Why Schools Don't Educate - The Natural Child Project
what is education?
sistem pembelajaran & pengajaran?
sistem pendidikan?
btw, i'd like to share this article..
Why Schools Don't Educate - The Natural Child Project
ini masanya kita ubah mentaliti kita..
sistem pembelajaran & pengajaran?
sistem pendidikan?
btw, i'd like to share this article..
Why Schools Don't Educate - The Natural Child Project
ini masanya kita ubah mentaliti kita..
' Intelligence, like people and knowledge, is diverse. it is impossible to fit everyone into a small box, then why is it that we try to fit everyone into a narrow conception of intelligence?'
- Aiman Azlan, The Other Side of The Coin
pssstt..selamat menjalani tahun 2015...tahun baru, azam lama 'ehhh?!'
yang penting, hari ni lebih baik dari semalam,
best of luck to all my friends from all IPTA's in Malaysia..final exam eyh...
perjalanan seorang hamba dalam mencari tuhannya adalah dengan mencari ilmu..so, jangan putus asa!!
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